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CompeGPS LAND with CD-ROM last version

CompeGPS LAND with CD-ROM last version

Screenshots of CompeGPS LAND with CD-ROM

CompeGPS LAND with CD-ROM Publisher's Description

*** CompeGPS Land is a complete software package which connects your GPS to a PC, enabling a flow of information GPS=PC and PC=GPS. ***

- Easy to use.
- Reads all Garmins, MLR, Magellan... GPS.
- Full communication GPS PC.

- 3D view of tracks and mountains.
- Real animation to recreate your track (in 2D or 3D).
- Prepare your trip: create waypoints, tracks and routes.
- Measure distances. Analysis of the track properties.
- Moving Map: real time navigation.

- Works with calibrated and digital maps.
- Works with both UTM and degrees coordinates system, and many datum systems.
- Compatible with many formats: Ozi formats, SHP, DXF and DCW from Autocad...

...and much more...

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